Firstly, if you are not already in Brazil working and paying tax into the public purse, we will not work with you to give birth in a public hospital, as we believe this is unfair to Brazilian citizens.
However, if you’re already in Brazil paying tax, there is a public hospital that we recommend, which is centrally located on the island of Florianópolis. Once you have paid your deposit to reserve your space in our programme, we can take you on a tour of the hospital and send you more information.
The facilities are clean and of a high standard, the staff are well trained and some even speak English – although we cannot guarantee you will have an English-speaking doctor when you are admitted.
There are no fees to pay as this is a public hospital. You will spend 2 nights in the hospital after you give birth, and it is likely that you will be sharing the room with another patient.
Please note that mothers are not given pain relief at the public hospital for natural births. Please take this into consideration when you make your decision about where you want to have your baby.
Caesarian births are only given at the public hospital if medically necessary and this needs to be ascertained via a medical exam first.
Also, as it is the public system, you should remember that the hospital can get very busy and long queues are common. If you have to go to the hospital for a check-up during your pregnancy, try to get there early to avoid the queues.
We have had clients give birth at the public hospital and they have given very positive feedback about the experience.
When you arrive in Florianópolis, we will take you on a tour of the hospital, where you can see the facilities and can speak with the staff and ask any questions you may have. We will then hand you over to the hospital for your future care. You should be having a monthly check-up with a doctor in the lead up to your pregnancy and this can be arranged when you first visit the hospital.